History of “IRO-POCHI”

2010 Research and development started
The prototype of ‘IRO-POCHI’ has been completed
- Published in Asahi Shimbun newspaper article
- LINE stamps completed
- Prof. Sagawa presented at the Life Support Conference
- Panel display at Japan Women’s University open campus
- Published in the Mainichi newspaper art icle
- Published in the Braille Daily print edition article
- Special feature broadcast on NHK ‘Ohayo Nippon’

Went on sale at Japan Braille Library in Takadanobaba
- Registered the trademark “IRO-POCHI”
- Went on sale products with tenbo’s original iropoti started at tenbo
- Went on sale products with original “IRO-POCHI” started at Guide Dog Support Center
- Published in “ Wakaru! Tsukaeru Shikisaigaku” by Yosensha

Participated in ‘Sight World’, a comprehensive event for the visually impaired
- Posted fashion web media ‘ROBE’
- Went on sale assorted“IRO-POCHI”started at Guide Dog Support Center
Published in the Universal Design book
- Featured on FM Yokohama radio programme
- Published in high school home economics textbooks

Collaboration with B.P.P.

Launched series of four-panel comics featuring the Iropochi mascot character “Fukui’s POCHIKO-chan”
- Posted fashion web media ‘Urban Life Metro’

Participated in the first ‘International Sustainable Fashion Expo’